DeepDetekt Application Terms of Service (Terms of Service)

Last updated: [26.02.2024]

1. Introduction
Welcome to DeepDetekt! These Terms of Service ("Terms") govern your access to and use of our DeepDetekt app (the "App"), including any content, functionality and services offered therein.

2. Consent to the Terms
By using the App, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to the Terms, you may not access or use the App.

3. Use of the Application
The App is designed to determine the authenticity of videos and photos in order to identify potential dipfakes. You may use the App even without an internet or mobile connection. We do not store or process your personal data on our servers, emphasizing our commitment to your privacy.

4. Restrictions on Use
You agree not to use the App for illegal purposes or in ways that may harm the App or its users.

5. Intellectual Property
All right, title and interest in and to the App and its content, including copyrights, trademarks, designs, text, graphics and other files, and the selection and arrangement thereof, belong to us or our licensors.

6. Disclaimer of warranties
The app is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of this App and its contents.

7. Limitation of Liability
We are not liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of the App.

8. Changes to the Terms of Service
We reserve the right to make changes to these Terms of Service at any time. Your continued use of the Application after changes have been made constitutes your agreement to the new Terms.

9. Contact Information
For any questions regarding the Terms of Service, please contact us at

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